Moyamoya Related Topics >> Moyamoya Related Information and Support >> stupid question

Message started by DARCI on Jul 8th, 2010 at 8:41am

Title: stupid question
Post by DARCI on Jul 8th, 2010 at 8:41am
Just have a question for anybody, I know that we are suppose to stay hydrated and have little caffeine can anybody tell me why and what does it do to the brain
I know this is a stupied question so sorry in advance
thanks in advance for any responses!!!!

Title: Re: stupid question
Post by gotchlorine on Jul 8th, 2010 at 9:48am
Hi Darci,

Not a stupid question at all, in fact, it's a very important one.  Hydration is important to help keep your blood volume up and consequently keep adequate flow through the bypass grafts.  The recommendation for moyamoya patients is to drink about 2 liters of fluids each day.  Caffee is o.k., in moderation.  Drinking it in excess makes a person urinate alot and actually lose fluids, which affects blood volume.

Hope that helps, and hope you're doing well!


Title: Re: stupid question
Post by gotchlorine on Jul 8th, 2010 at 8:56pm
"Caffee"?  Who's the moron who wrote that?  Oops, it was me . . . sorry, about that!  For anyone wondering, I meant to write "caffeine".

What a dork I am!

[smiley=bag.gif] Jill 

Title: Re: stupid question
Post by Little Luca on Jul 9th, 2010 at 2:05am
Hey All

It's my understanding that caffeine is a vascular constrictor; and the last thing moyamoyaers want to do is make it more challenging for the blood to flow.

Take care
Mark (Luca's Dad)

Title: Re: stupid question
Post by dmm on Jul 9th, 2010 at 6:01am
Does that mean you also have to be careful drinking energy(?) drinks high in caffeine too?
Also was looking for the posts about drugs to avoid, can anyone please help.

Title: Re: stupid question
Post by STrantas on Jul 9th, 2010 at 7:12am
I would avoid energy/high caffeine drinks. 

I do drink caffeine - but I try to limit my intake.  My motto is - Moderation is Key!

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