NON Moyamoya Related Topics >> Daily Jibber Jabber >> A near miss with Shan!!!

Message started by tomg on Sep 27th, 2006 at 4:59pm

Title: A near miss with Shan!!!
Post by tomg on Sep 27th, 2006 at 4:59pm
[smiley=huh.gif] ::)   Can you believe it?  Shan's from Hawaii and I'm from New Jersey and yes as a previous post said, Shan was in NJ on business.  If that's not enough she was only 20 minutes from where I live.  We tried but due to previous commitments, we were sadly unable to get together.
[smiley=hammer.gif]    Shan! what a rare oportunity, why didn't you let me know you were comming? :-/   Oh well I'd rather meet you in Hawaii any time. 8)

Take care Shan,  Tom G.

Title: Re: A near miss with Shan!!!
Post by lotsofkids on Oct 1st, 2006 at 10:00pm
Darn! that is too close....but yeh....meeting in Hawaii will be a great alternate! Hope it happens!

smiles....diane : )

Title: Re: A near miss with Shan!!!
Post by Shan on Oct 15th, 2006 at 10:33pm
I hear you TOM!!  My sincere apologies... It was ALL work for me anyway... (Well.. I did get to go to New York/Manhattan for about 4 hours)  And guess what?  I didn't get to see snow... but I did get all excited when I saw a squirrel and a deer for the first time!!!  Yah baby!!!  ;;D

I've been to the east coast before, but never during fall...or winter.  It was always during summer....  Oh my gosh...I thought it was just beautiful in New Jersey with the leaves starting to change colors!  Absolutely gorgeous!  ;)  You know I was the tourist just snapping away at the trees, leaves and any living critter!!  ha ha!  People thought I was crazy trying to take a picture of a squirrel!!!

Anyway, I'll be back in NJ...maybe in May for a conference.  I wanted to try and head back there during the winter, but I was told it may be a "hard" one this year...  (Oh, and I got to see holly!!..yeah, an actual "holly" tree!!)  See Tom..and Greg...I'm easy to please...  "cheap date"  ha ha...

I'll be sure to let you know well in advance when I'm headed your way again...


p.s.  I'd love to have you guys come here though!  My treat to the Willows!!  ;) Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.4!
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