NON Moyamoya Related Topics >> Daily Jibber Jabber >> Shan Where are you?  We're all concerned

Message started by tomg on Apr 30th, 2006 at 10:21pm

Title: Shan Where are you?  We're all concerned
Post by tomg on Apr 30th, 2006 at 10:21pm
[smiley=huh.gif]   Shan, are you OK?    [smiley=huh.gif]   You haven't been on for quite some time.   Moira and I have both E-mailed you with no response and we're getting worried.
    Shan please post or PM us if you see this,  Your friend in NJ   Tom G.

Title: Re: Shan Where are you?  We're all concerned
Post by moyamoi on May 1st, 2006 at 5:30am
Hi Tom Thanks for posting this - I was just thinking about doing the very same thing today when I logged on - Good on ya!

Please Shan answer us and let us know that you are OK? I am thinking of you every day and am VERY concerned!!!
Moira [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: Shan Where are you?  We're all concerned
Post by Jan on May 9th, 2006 at 2:37am
Hi Tom & Moira,

Shan called me....Trina and I were just asking about her and she left a message on my cell phone.  I was getting rather worried since she hadn't called.  It's been a while since I've spoken to her.  I was so happy to hear from her.  She's been rather busy, her father was recently diagnosed with cancer, that's why she hasn't been in touch.

Just wanted to give you a head's up...


Title: Re: Shan Where are you?  We're all concerned
Post by moyamoi on May 9th, 2006 at 3:17am
Hi Jan,
Yes, thanks for posting this message - as it happens and much to my immense relief, Shan emailed me over the weekend! Hope you are doing OK after your surgery

Title: Re: Shan Where are you?  We're all concerned
Post by Greg-NJ1 on May 10th, 2006 at 6:19pm
Hi Tom,

Shan sent me an e-mail over the weekend, as  I sent her a where are you e-mail after you and I spoke. She did send her regards to you in my message.

All is well, except for her father who has been diagnosed with cancer.


PS....Shan, I hope you father is doing ok. I'll make sure that we keep him and your entire family in my prayers.

Title: Re: Shan Where are you?  We're all concerned
Post by Shan on May 11th, 2006 at 11:54pm

Hi everyone!!  Oh my gosh...I sure missed all of you!!  
:-*'s been such a long time that I forgot my password and had to request that my password be sent to me.   ;)  Anyway, I'm doing okay...I'm actually coming up on my 1 year anniversary since my double bypass and EDAS last year (May 27).  

Dilema local neuro is suggesting that I have my angiogram here in Hawaii; however, I'm a little nervous about it being that my neurosurgeon is in North Carolina!  :o  I really want to return to NC just for the angio; however, he has advised me that it is NOT necessary....

Other than that, yes, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer and chemotherapy was initially going well, but his recent treatment hasn't shown much changes/improvement.  I heard that dr's have even discussed a "time line".... so I've been basically focusing on him.

Scary thing is that I've recently been getting some headaches and wierd tight feelings on the right side of my face.  I stil cannot raise my right eyebrow although, I do have my sense of feeling back on my face (surgery was on my right side).  Recent MRAs showed "decreased blood flow" on my right side, but my neuro said that it is "normal" because it is being compared to my left side.

Other than that...I'm still here plugging along.  How is everyone else?  I got Trina's message!!!  ;;D  And..I got to talk to Jan!  AMEN sister!  My heart melted hearing that you're doing great after your surgeries!!!...and last but not least, I spoke with Tom today!  It just touched my  [smiley=heart.gif] to know that you all remembered me!...and had me in your thoughts!  [smiley=hug.gif]

I'm back to work too...but I am going to do my best to be back here.  Y'all are the best!!!!  Much aloha to you all!!!!   [smiley=hug.gif]

Take care,

p.s.  Tom, if I do go to NC, I'll let you know.  In fact, my son's baseball team is scheduled to travel to Cooperstown during the 4th of July weekend, so that is part of the plan.  But guess what?  I just won a prize from our local radio station (KSSK-Clear Channel Radio) which includes a trip for 4 to canada including hotel and rental car..and tickets to some stampede.  Only thing is, the dates are set in July.  I really wanted to take my father, but he said he is too weak.  (He wants me to sell it, and others have told me to post it on e-bay and sell it for cheap, but I'm not quite sure how to do that just yet...)

Title: Re: Shan Where are you?  We're all concerned
Post by Jan on May 12th, 2006 at 2:45pm
Hi Shan...

It's so good to hear from you.  I know a bunch of people who were quite worried that you hadn't replied.  I'm so sorry to hear about your father.  I really feel for you.  I've pretty much been through what you are going through.  I was 16 years old when my father passed (28 years ago) it was three days after my 16th birthday.  All I can tell you is make him as comfortable as possible and enjoy all your time together. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]  keep both of your spirits up, I'm not trying to make things sound down, but that's what you have to do.  You have to make the best of everything.  I'm sending best wishes to you and your family.  

[smiley=hug.gif] :-*

Big Hugs & Kisses...Much Love & Aloha..
God Bless,


Title: Re: Shan Where are you?  We're all concerned
Post by cass/kate on May 12th, 2006 at 5:58pm
Shan  -
Glad to hear that you are okay.  Hope the right-side tightness and pain clears up soon.

So sorry to hear about your dad.  My dad died five weeks ago.  He was doing well, but had a stroke the day after we got back from Stanford for Kate's 6month check-up.  Almost like he was waiting to make sure she was okay.  I spent as much time every day with him as I could - tellining stories, holding his hand, just watching him sleep.  That, I think, is the best you can do.  Just love him as long as you can, and let him know constantly.  You will be on my heart  [smiley=heart.gif]  and in my prayers.

Hugs,  [smiley=hug.gif]

Cass in Texas  [smiley=cowboy.gif]

Title: Re: Shan Where are you?  We're all concerned
Post by Shan on May 17th, 2006 at 12:48pm
Much Mahalo (thanks) to all of you for your kind words and thoughtfulness!  :-*  I know all of us have felt that "when it pours.."  I'm keeping my spirits up, although, I do have to admit that I have let my own personal health slip/take a backseat to everything else that has been going on.  (even to the point of where I've missesd taking my medication at times  :-/)  I know...I know....

Anyway, I'm back on track...and realized that if I'm not "healthy" myself, then I can't take care of my dad, my son or anyone else for that matter.  So...I'm making my dr. appts (yes, it's been a few months since I've seen some of them) and taking blood tests, see where I'm at.

Thanks again...People like all of you are an inspiration!  I thank God for blessing me with wonderful friends like you in my life!  I sure hope to meet you all one day... [smiley=hug.gif]

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